
  1. トップページ
  2. 開発計画課
  3. Profile of Hokkaido Development

Profile of Hokkaido Development

Profile of Hokkaido Development


  • douro
  • himawari
  • hatake
  • snow
Since the establishment of the Hokkaido Development Commission (Kaitakushi) in 1869, the Japanese Government has promoted the development of Hokkaido under its special development policy, for the purpose of contributing to the stability and growth of the nation as a whole, by utilizing Hokkaido’s abundant resources and vast area of land.
The government has been intensively promoting the development of Hokkaido by formulating a specific nine-phase "Hokkaido Comprehensive Development Plan" based on “Hokkaido Development Act” (Act No. 126 of 1950). The fundamental role of Hokkaido development is to take advantage of the resources and characteristics in Hokkaido to help resolve issues of Japan as a whole.
Hokkaido has abundant space enabling various economic and social activities, as well as rich natural environment, which will undoubtedly become the most important factor in the 21st century. It is important that we contribute to the nation’s efforts to create a sustainable economy and society by utilizing the most of these resources and characteristics. Frontier spirit, that was fostered in Hokkaido during the history of its development since the Meiji era, has enabled people to take on new challenges more readily. Now that the nation’s economy and society face a major turning point and the people feeling a sense of stagnation understandably become increasingly anxious about the future, every Hokkaido citizen should demonstrate his or her frontier spirit as a trailblazer in the new era and embark on pioneering and trial projects in order to make our economy and society prosper.


Tourism Information

Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau Photo Archives

Address:Nishi 2-chome,Kita 8-jo Kita-ku, Sapporo-si, Hokkaido 060-8511 Japan
Tel:011-709-2311  Mail:hkd-ky-koho_info0@gxb.mlit.go.jp


  1. トップページ
  2. 開発計画課
  3. Profile of Hokkaido Development