6 Conserving the water environment
Proposal for Conservationof the River Environment in Kushiro Mire
Ⅲ Measures to meet the targets
6 Conserving the water environment
The water environment, including river water and groundwater, relates closely to the mire ecosystem. It should be conserved.
[Specific measures]Consertvation of river water
Using nitrogen load as an indicator, this load should be reduced by about 20%. To achieve this, buffer zones and settling basins should be provided in the drainage basin. In addition, to promote agriculture that is sympathetic to the natural cycling of materials, instruction and support must be provided to individuals regarding the disposal of livestock excreta in the vicinity of livestock sheds and adherence to the standards for fertilizer application. To devise more specific measures for the drainage basin, the effects of these measures should be evaluated within the experimental area of the Kuchoro River. As in the case of measures for individuals, prompt action should be taken throughout the drainage basin.
[Specific measures]Consertvation of groundwater
Groundwater levels should be determined and their relation with the ecosystem should be examined. Necessary measures should be taken to conserve the groundwater environment such that it is suitable for the mire. The changes in water level at Lake Akanuma and those of the areas along both banks of the Kushiro River should be examined.
Changes in ponds near the lake (1977)
Changes in ponds near the lake (1997)